Energy Auditing
Watch this video to learn more about an Energy Audit! Or check out our page on Energy Audits to learn more and sign up.
Insulation Contracting
We offer comprehensive insulation contracting. Get the best and most cost effective solution to meet your needs!
BPI Training & Certification
We provide BPI training and testing for Building Analyst and Envelope Professional certifications. Become certified at our excellent training center!
Shaping Energies specializes in three primary areas:
Energy Auditing
We perform energy consulting with home/building owners and run building diagnostics to objectively determine which improvements should be made to lower building energy usage, maintain building durability, enhance occupant comfort and maintain health and safety. Learn more about our energy audits and sign up for a Home Energy Audit today.
Insulation Contracting
We provide building owners with a wide range of home improvement contracting services, but our primary services include insulation contracting with closed-cell spray foam, open-cell spray foam, dense pack cellulose, loose fill cellulose, and Thermax/rigid insulation installs. Other primary services include air sealing, ventilation installs, door and windows, photovoltaic solar installs, thermostats, and heating distribution system improvements. Of course, we always provide home owners with the opportunity to have our team install energy efficiency improvements that we have recommended in their home energy audit report.
BPI Training & Certification
We train contractors and energy professionals on how to do home energy audits and whole-home evaluations using the standards set forth by the Building Performance Institute for the certifications of Building Analyst and Envelope Professional. Students who train with us have the opportunity to take BPI certificattion exams at our facility to complete their BPI certifications.
The Shaping Energies team is excited to assist you with your goals!